Do You Have These 5 Tools To Create A Customized And Secure Webinar?

Webinars have been in the game for a long time no doubt about that, and they still seem to be audience favourite. But what is a webinar? A webinar is a live online gathering or conference that is interactive and discussed in real-time.

Designing a webinar doesn’t sound as easy as you think right? Well, it might be tricky but if you pick the right tech you’ll be just fine! There are numerous software packages obtainable out there, although, you need to sift through them to see which one adheres to your specific needs.

But don’t worry! We’re going to help you out. Let’s take a look below.

There are several things you need to consider when planning out your webinar. Such as:

  • Does your software contain a video capture feature?
  • Can user call-in at the time of the webinar?
  • Does your software have a registration platform for you?
  • Does it have drawing tools in case you need to explain something?
  1. Webinar Tools Are Highly Secure:

Security is a must, especially when you’re sharing content online you want to make sure that your content is secure. In regards, webinars based on WebRTC are intrinsically secure.

The WebRTC standard provides mobile applications and web browsers with real-time communication. It uses a high-level peer-to-peer and end-to-end encryption to convey information from the host to its attendees. This ensures the security of their content, so make sure to use a WebRTC approved application to stay secure!

2.Customize Your Webinar:

Nowadays, delivering webinars to attendees has become easier because of the advances made in web conference tools. Furthermore, contingent on your audience you can then decide if you want to deliver a live webinar or a pre-recorded one.

Although, when we talk about customizing webinars, make sure your webinar defines you! It should reflect you and what you are working towards. But make sure your webinar includes all the basic elements before you add in your personal touch!

You can tweak it depending on what your webinar is on, maybe add holographic images if you’re training a group of employees. Add images and videos if you’re trying to reach out to children, and much more!

Although Most Webinar Software Commonly Come With Built-in Tools

Such as WaaS, offer a range of built-in tools with their webinar technology. Some of them are:

  • Q&A tools
  • Poll and Surveys
  • Easy Registration
  • File sharing
  • Screen sharing
  • Screen casting

These tools can be beneficial for moderators, it serves to further enhance the quality of interaction between you and the audience. This simultaneously enhances your conversion rates when your webinar is used for marketing purposes.

The most crucial part of running a webinar is during the pre-registration and marketing period when you start promoting. The success of your webinar is in the hands of your attendees, so you want to make sure people show up to your webinar.

For this reason, it’s best to choose a platform that already has a registration page where your attendees can sign up and receive updates and reminders on your webinar. There are tools online that help you with this, however, well purposed and popular webinar packages have this included within them.

Another thing you might want to consider using is the call-in feature. So, your attendees can use their phones to call in in case of any technical issues. Since this is efficient, you can generate more leads because newer attendees are more inclined to join in an easier way.

Have you ever needed to draw something out on paper to get your point across? Well, you might want to keep that handy just in case, lucky for you some software out there will allow you to use a whiteboard to show your audience exactly what you mean! Let’s dwell on different kinds of tools that you may need.

3.Photo Editing Tools: 

Manipulating images is one of the most crucial skills to have, software such as Photoshop is a good investment during the production stage of your webinar.

These tools can be used for various reasons, such as crafting slides on PowerPoint, creating interactive registration pages, animated email invites, and much more. Using these kinds of software during the initial stage helps your webinar look professional and impeccable.

4.Video Editing Tools:

Remember videos are crucial! You DON’T want to host a webinar without at least one video. Videos can sum up a 3-hour speech in 3-minutes, and that’s exactly what you need when you need to convey 10 different things to your audience.

Furthermore, chances are that you might have a prerecorded video you’d like to share with your audience. Especially if you’re considering using the video during your webinars it’s better to edit them and make sure it harmonises with the rest of your content.

Videos can convey information and images at the same time this would allow your audience to retain information easily!

5.Replaying Your Webinar: 

Even after attending the webinar, you should distribute a copy of your webinar to your audience, that way even if someone couldn’t make it they can watch it some other time. Additionally, this method is also time-efficient, you don’t need to host too many webinars. You can create a few and re-purpose them for other sessions if applicable. Instead of creating new webinars, you can allocate your time to find more content.

These are just a few things to keep in mind before you plan out your webinar, and of course! Make sure to have the basic equipment too! A webcam, microphone, and a nice backdrop with good lighting!

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