Blog Post Out, Cash Flow In.

Are you blogging the right way? 

Blogging is a great way to escape your current reality and express your passion for a specific subject. But that’s not all, blogging is also a great way to increase your cash inflow. Did we pique your interest?

Great! Let’s get started!

Before making your blog into a money generator you have to make sure you’re attracting an audience that is willing to spend. And how do you do that? Well, make sure to choose an intriguing topic, your blog might attract different kinds of readers so make sure that your blog is niche.

You might be passionate about a lot of things, singing, painting, football, travelling, etc. But that’s not enough to bring traffic to your blog. You need to include market trends that will appeal to a large crowd.

But what’s next you ask? 

There are various ways to monetize your blog, CPC or CPM marketing, selling private advertisements, include affiliate links in the content, selling products online, selling memberships, etc. Although some of these methods may require more traffic to be effective.

  1. CPC or CPM

The most common way to make money is by placing advertisements on your site. The two kinds of advertisements you can use are:

CPC: Cost per click ads are banners commonly placed either within your content or on the sidebar and every time someone clicks on the banner you get paid.

CPM: Cost per mile/thousand, these advertisements only pay a fixed amount of money contingent on how many people viewed your advertisement.

Using this technique, you’ll practically hit two birds with one stone! you’ll be able to make money and bring traffic to your blog! Also, it won’t get in the way of your readers while they’re browsing through your site.

  1. Selling Private Advertisements 

Selling private ads can be very beneficial, especially for a blogger. If you’re getting heavy traffic then advertisers might just approach you to place their ad on your blog, however, you have the upper advantage as you get to set the rates for each ad you feature on your blog.

One way to use this method would be to write a review for an advertiser’s product or service.

  1. Affiliate Marketing 

Affiliate marketing is a great tool for monetization and building your network! In a nutshell, when an advertiser has a product to sell they’ll ask you to sell it through your website and agree to give you a commission from every sale that’s made.

Additionally, they will also provide you with a link that tracks your affiliation code. Hence, when a reader purchases something through your link you earn a percentage of what was purchased.

  1. Selling Digital Products 

Need fast cash? Ever considered selling products online? Well, you definitely should. Maybe start by selling eBooks, online courses, workshops, or your app. Although, this may be a good way to generate income it’s all about what your customers want or need. Remember customers come first!

  1. Building A Bridge Between Your Customers and Your Business

Let your blog become your content marketing strategy, use it to market your products, and direct people to your business website! Or you could use your blog to sell specific products that way readers will visit both sites.

  1. Offer Membership and Exclusive Benefits

Selling memberships to readers is a great way for them to benefit from the exclusive insights, features, or tips and tricks your log offers. This is a great way to make money and also keep your readers interested in your blog. For example, a DIY blog might charge $100 per month for users to gain access to their exclusive magazine.

These are a few ideas to implement! So, keep grinding! And get that cash inflow. You deserve it!

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